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We believe that understanding the relationships between living organisms, including humans, and their physical environment is vital to supporting habitat resiliency and the continued health of all species. Managing a landscape well depends on a thorough understanding of ecosystems and human use.

Detailed surveys and mapping of wildlife and plant species present on the specific properties, including the following:

  • Canopy and understory trees, shrubs, and ground cover flora
  • Wildlife habitat features including cavity trees, coarse woody debris, seeps, banks, dens
  • Bird surveys – breeding, migratory, resident, and overwintering birds
  • Snakes, turtles, amphibians
  • Butterflies and odonates
  • Large and small mammals

Evaluations of plant and wildlife habitat including consideration of large and small scale vegetative structure and composition, presence or absence of localized habitat features (for example cavity trees, seeps, rock dens, and sphagnum wetlands) and connectivity to surrounding lands.

Prescribing and recommending appropriate measures for the management of fields, early successional areas, forests, and wetlands.

Locating and documenting populations of exotic invasives, recommending control procedures, and conducting follow-up assessment of populations.

Locating, GPS-mapping, and submitting to the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program evidence suitable for certification of vernal pools.

Documenting rare plant and animal species incorporating field work and Natural Heritage and Endangered Species records.

  • Presenting information in public forums about various land protection means and programs, when they are best used, how to obtain tax and survey information, and other details to improve organizational capacity for conservation.
  • Conducting guided walks through local natural areas and other properties of interest, focusing on wildlife, flora, birds, forest conditions, and habitat variations.
  • Developing and running training sessions on many conservation topics, including:
    • Vernal pools
    • Animal tracking
    • Forest stewardship
    • Local flora, birds, and wildlife

Wildlife Footage from Summer Star Wildlife Sanctuary

This video is the product of a year-and-a-half of filming the wildlife of Summer Star Wildlife Sanctuary by remote wildlife cameras next to the beautiful beaver pond, wetland, and woods of Summer Star for its founder and manager, Shalin Liu. Sally Naser and Pete Westover set up and monitored the cameras, and Tim and Sam Westover edited the production. Shalin Liu announced the release of the video at Summer Star’s 8th anniversary celebration on September 20, 2022. Conservation Works would be glad to create and produce similar videos of special places for land trusts and other conservation organizations.”

We’re here to make conservation work for you!

Conservation in action...

Group touring an outcropping of rocks

Rock Walk Trail

Ongoing work to develop a unique interpretive trail through an abandoned quarry.

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Group on an outdoor walk being led on the property

464-acre Wildlife Restoration Plan

A pair of large scale wildlife restoration plans to benefit endangered species and bird habitats.

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Lathrop Community Trail System Upgrade

Reducing impact on the property’s wetlands and providing safe crossings of wet trail sections.

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Eaton Properties, West Fairlee, Vermont

Watershed Wildlife Plans

Habitat improvement for the endangered Northern Long-eared Bat and a variety of bird species.

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Footbridge at Norcross Foundation

Boardwalk Construction

Construction of a weather-resistant boardwalk at a wildflower sanctuary.

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Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Project

Guiding the Town of Deerfield through a climate change planning process

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