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Conservation of ecologically important edge habitat at educational farm.

CLIENT  | Lampson Brook Farm at New England Small Farm Institute
LOCATION  |  Belchertown, MA
DATE  |  2014-15

Conservation Works recently completed an ecological inventory and baseline documentation report on the non-farm portion of the 280-acre Lampson Brook Farm in Belchertown for the New England Small Farm Institute. CW worked with NESFI to present the plan to local boards, then completed additional mini-baseline reports on each of the eleven leased farm parcels around the perimeter of the central wooded hill and its adjacent wetlands. NESFI is a land-based non-profit organization dedicated to promoting small farm development by providing information and training for aspiring beginning and transitioning farmers. The farm implements a number of alternative tenure options and environmental stewardship practices in demonstration to the many visitors that come each year.

Services Provided

Assisting land trusts and municipalities with a wide variety of services including helping set acquisition and protection priorities, identifying possible funding sources, completing land management plans, assisting in complying with applicable laws and regulations, monitoring properties, inventorying birds, wildlife, flora, and other natural resources, and volunteer stewardship coordination and training.

Our work includes the preparation of municipal Open Space and Recreation Plans that provide meaningful long-range planning for land protection and management, and meet state requirements.

Completing full Baseline Documentary Reports and carrying out property inspection and monitoring to determine initial conditions and changes or violations in property protected by conservation ownership, Conservation Restriction, or Agricultural Preservation Restriction.

Locating, documenting, and GPS-mapping of boundary lines, corners, and monuments from available surveys and other records.

    • Presenting information in public forums about various land protection means and programs, when they are best used, how to obtain tax and survey information, and other details to improve organizational capacity for conservation.
    • Conducting guided walks through local natural areas and other properties of interest, focusing on wildlife, flora, birds, forest conditions, and habitat variations.
    • Developing and running training sessions on many conservation topics, including:
      • Vernal pools
      • Animal tracking
      • Forest stewardship
      • Local flora, birds, and wildlife

Identifying, clearing and marking property boundaries.

Expert photographing of landscape features, habitat, wetland resources, scenery, wildlife, birdlife, and flora for electronic or print reproduction.

We’re here to make conservation work for you!

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