Reducing impact on the property’s wetlands and providing safe crossings of wet trail sections.
CLIENT | Lathrop Community
LOCATION | Easthampton, MA
DATE | 2022
Securing of wetland permits, designing of trail network upgrades, construction of six sections of bridging, and relocating of several trail sections. CW worked closely with key Lathrop residents and staff to secure wetland permitting for invasive plant control in the Lathrop fields and for bridging and trail construction work. Much of this beautiful trail network is now covered by a new Conservation Restriction arranged and drafted by Elizabeth Wroblicka of CW and held by Kestrel Land Trust. The trail work, accomplished by CW’s trail crew under Dick O’Brien’s direction, lessens the impact of the network on the property’s wetlands and provides safe crossings of wet sections of trail.
Services Provided
Providing a complete range of assistance with Conservation Restrictions and in-fee title transactions, from the initial negotiations to the closing, including coordination of multiple partners, Baseline Document Reports, funding arrangements, and compliance with federal, state, and local requirements.
Design, planning, and layout of ecologically sound trails and trail systems. We work with landowners and stakeholders to provide the type of enjoyable and quality trails that will appeal to visitors. We have experience developing trails that span a wide range of usages, from handicapped accessible trails to challenging single track.
Working with land trusts, towns, and state agencies to secure long-term trail rights and management agreements; negotiating and acquiring trail easements and related rights.
Implementing new sustainable trails, including clearing designated trail routes, cutting benches, and building bridges, boardwalks and other structures. We can also upgrade existing trails to address flooding, erosion, and increase visitor satisfaction.
We’re here to make conservation work for you!
Conservation in action...
Urban Open Space & Recreation Plan
Conducted public outreach to inform goals and action plan for next seven years, and ADA assessment of 29 city parks.
464-acre Wildlife Restoration Plan
A pair of large scale wildlife restoration plans to benefit endangered species and bird habitats.
Land Trust Alliance Re-accreditation Process
Land trust stewardship assistance on over 60 properties.
APR Assistance
Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR) for school farm program and high priority conservation area.
Historical Trail Plan
Detailed trail plans and cost estimates for the creation of an urban historical trail in a phased approach.
Red Pine Replacement
Management of the harvesting and replacement of red pines infected by disease and insect problems.