Conducted public outreach to inform goals and action plan for next seven years, and ADA assessment of 29 city parks.
CLIENT | Chicopee Planning Department & Parks and Recreation Department
LOCATION | Chicopee, MA
DATE | 2014-15
Under pressure to meet a state requirement to update their Open Space and Recreation Plan in order to qualify for a grant to make improvements to a city playground and waterpark, City officials contracted with Conservation Works to conduct public outreach and gather feedback from the community to inform goals for open space and recreation over the next seven years which included a public survey and series of three visioning sessions. CW compiled the plan update, developed the seven-year action plan based on a detailed assessment of needs, and conducted a full ADA assessment of the city’s 29 parks. CW also worked with the City to develop a PARC Grant application for a full re-construction of one of the municipal pools, a top priority identified by residents during the public outreach process.
Services Provided
Assisting land trusts and municipalities with a wide variety of services including helping set acquisition and protection priorities, identifying possible funding sources, completing land management plans, assisting in complying with applicable laws and regulations, monitoring properties, inventorying birds, wildlife, flora, and other natural resources, and volunteer stewardship coordination and training.
Our work includes the preparation of municipal Open Space and Recreation Plans that provide meaningful long-range planning for land protection and management, and meet state requirements.
Locating, documenting, and GPS-mapping of boundary lines, corners, and monuments from available surveys and other records.
Expert photographing of landscape features, habitat, wetland resources, scenery, wildlife, birdlife, and flora for electronic or print reproduction.
We provide guidance, strategies, recommendations and project management that define the specific tasks and phases needed within a project to achieve the ultimate vision. This includes identifying appropriate grants and other funding sources for the various phases of a project, from planning through implementation and long-term stewardship.
We’re here to make conservation work for you!
Conservation in action...
Rock Walk Trail
Ongoing work to develop a unique interpretive trail through an abandoned quarry.
464-acre Wildlife Restoration Plan
A pair of large scale wildlife restoration plans to benefit endangered species and bird habitats.
Lathrop Community Trail System Upgrade
Reducing impact on the property’s wetlands and providing safe crossings of wet trail sections.
Watershed Wildlife Plans
Habitat improvement for the endangered Northern Long-eared Bat and a variety of bird species.
Boardwalk Construction
Construction of a weather-resistant boardwalk at a wildflower sanctuary.
Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Project
Guiding the Town of Deerfield through a climate change planning process