Preparation of a report to demonstrate the potential for permanent protection of a private 25-acre property.
CLIENT | Private Landowner
LOCATION | Wendell, MA
DATE | 2016
Under contract with a private landowning couple in the Town of Wendell, Laurie and Pete conducted a two-day ecological inventory of their 25-acre property to prepare a report demonstrating the land’s potential for permanent protection. The survey and report included birds, plants, amphibians, and reptiles.
Services Provided
Detailed surveys and mapping of wildlife and plant species present on the specific properties, including the following:
- Canopy and understory trees, shrubs, and ground cover flora
- Wildlife habitat features including cavity trees, coarse woody debris, seeps, banks, dens
- Bird surveys – breeding, migratory, resident, and overwintering birds
- Snakes, turtles, amphibians
- Butterflies and odonates
- Large and small mammals
Evaluations of plant and wildlife habitat including consideration of large and small scale vegetative structure and composition, presence or absence of localized habitat features (for example cavity trees, seeps, rock dens, and sphagnum wetlands) and connectivity to surrounding lands.
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Private Ecological Plan
Preparation of a report to demonstrate the potential for permanent protection of a private 25-acre property.