(413) 522-5983
Christopher Curtis is retired Chief Planner and Section Manager for the Land Use and Environmental Section of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission and currently a consulting environmental planner for Conservation Works. He holds a master’s degree in Regional Planning from the University of Massachusetts. He has 40 years of professional experience in regional planning and has received state and national recognition for his work with expertise in water quality, land use, zoning, growth management, river protection, and natural resources management. Chris is the primary author of numerous land use and environmental plans at the PVPC. He oversaw the development of the national award-winning Valley Vision: The Regional Land Use Plan for the Pioneer Valley. He developed the plans for the first National Wild and Scenic River in Massachusetts (the Westfield River), the first National Scenic Byway in Massachusetts (the Connecticut River Byway), and for the New England National Scenic Trail. He has helped secure over $20 million over a 15-year period for the clean-up of water pollution problems on the Connecticut River.