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Supporting environmental stewardship of Amherst College’s campus.

CLIENT  |  Amherst College
LOCATION  |  Amherst, MA

Over several years of Amherst College contracts, CW has prepared a Sanctuary Stewardship Plan, a plan of Conservation Options for the Dakin Property, a Breeding Bird Inventory, and ecological information relating to the siting of the new science center. CW also assisted with the start-up of the College’s three-year old Book and Plow Farm, and has carried out a Sanctuary Trails Plan with trail maps, signage, and recommended trail improvements.

Services Provided

Assisting land trusts and municipalities with a wide variety of services including helping set acquisition and protection priorities, identifying possible funding sources, completing land management plans, assisting in complying with applicable laws and regulations, monitoring properties, inventorying birds, wildlife, flora, and other natural resources, and volunteer stewardship coordination and training.

Our work includes the preparation of municipal Open Space and Recreation Plans that provide meaningful long-range planning for land protection and management, and meet state requirements.

Detailed surveys and mapping of wildlife and plant species present on the specific properties, including the following:

  • Canopy and understory trees, shrubs, and ground cover flora
  • Wildlife habitat features including cavity trees, coarse woody debris, seeps, banks, dens
  • Bird surveys – breeding, migratory, resident, and overwintering birds
  • Snakes, turtles, amphibians
  • Butterflies and odonates
  • Large and small mammals

Producing accurate and attractive electronic and printed maps of trail networks including natural features, points of interest, parking locations, property boundaries. Designing self-guided trails with annotated guides to flora, habitat features, local history, and other items of interest.

Locating, documenting, and GPS-mapping of boundary lines, corners, and monuments from available surveys and other records.

Prescribing and recommending appropriate measures for the management of fields, early successional areas, forests, and wetlands.

We help clients identify appropriate funding sources, develop grant proposals and other applications, and administer project funds, as needed. Often clients will come to us with a general idea about a project or the ultimate vision they would like to achieve but without a solid understanding of how to achieve that goal. We assist clients in identifying the various elements of a project, and appropriate phases and timeframes for each. Once the project components are known, we can identify multiple funding sources that a project may be eligible for and use these funds to leverage more money to meet your goals.

We’re here to make conservation work for you!

Conservation in action...

Group touring an outcropping of rocks

Rock Walk Trail

Ongoing work to develop a unique interpretive trail through an abandoned quarry.

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Group on an outdoor walk being led on the property

464-acre Wildlife Restoration Plan

A pair of large scale wildlife restoration plans to benefit endangered species and bird habitats.

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Lathrop Community Trail System Upgrade

Reducing impact on the property’s wetlands and providing safe crossings of wet trail sections.

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Eaton Properties, West Fairlee, Vermont

Watershed Wildlife Plans

Habitat improvement for the endangered Northern Long-eared Bat and a variety of bird species.

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Footbridge at Norcross Foundation

Boardwalk Construction

Construction of a weather-resistant boardwalk at a wildflower sanctuary.

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Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Project

Guiding the Town of Deerfield through a climate change planning process

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