Management of the harvesting and replacement of red pines infected by disease and insect problems.
CLIENT | Amherst College
LOCATION | Amherst, MA
DATE | (On-going)
Amherst College has a new look! Conservation Works is managing the harvesting and replacement of nine stands of red pine in the Amherst College Sanctuary infected by disease and insect problems. Plantations of non-native red pines that were established in the 1930s have reached the end of their useful lives. The College is replacing the pines with planted native hardwoods and naturally regenerated white pine, sugar maple, and red oak. The result is a more attractive, diverse collection of trees in a highly used and greatly appreciated campus forest. Lincoln Fish of Bay State Forestry Services and Buzz Wagner of Wagner Wood have collaborated with CW in this ongoing project.
Services Provided
Detailed surveys and mapping of wildlife and plant species present on the specific properties, including the following:
- Canopy and understory trees, shrubs, and ground cover flora
- Wildlife habitat features including cavity trees, coarse woody debris, seeps, banks, dens
- Bird surveys – breeding, migratory, resident, and overwintering birds
- Snakes, turtles, amphibians
- Butterflies and odonates
- Large and small mammals
Prescribing and recommending appropriate measures for the management of fields, early successional areas, forests, and wetlands.
Locating and documenting populations of exotic invasives, recommending control procedures, and conducting follow-up assessment of populations.
We’re here to make conservation work for you!
Conservation in action...
Rock Walk Trail
Ongoing work to develop a unique interpretive trail through an abandoned quarry.
464-acre Wildlife Restoration Plan
A pair of large scale wildlife restoration plans to benefit endangered species and bird habitats.
Lathrop Community Trail System Upgrade
Reducing impact on the property’s wetlands and providing safe crossings of wet trail sections.
Watershed Wildlife Plans
Habitat improvement for the endangered Northern Long-eared Bat and a variety of bird species.
Boardwalk Construction
Construction of a weather-resistant boardwalk at a wildflower sanctuary.
Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Project
Guiding the Town of Deerfield through a climate change planning process